Wednesday 15 June 2011

Referenced Content

MON 9th MAY + TUES 10th MAY

I would like to reference a source used in the research of posts on Mon 9th/Tues 10th May.
These quotes were taken from the article: DELUXE ACQUIRES ASCENT BUSINESS.

I used these quotes to back up my research and added my own touch to the final content of my first presentation on the E+E course.

Wednesday 15th June 2011

End of unit.

So the end of the unit has arrived and i'm pleased to say that I think myself and my group did very well and came up with a viable and innovative idea that we put forwards to Deluxe.
Our Formative presentation went extremely well, our Summative, I felt, went just as well - although we could have done with having someone dedicated to finances. This was our only downfall.

I haven't posted as much as I would have liked to in my blog throughout this unit as i've been freelancing outside of University. Here are some links to some interesting resources I have found throughout the course...


This is a BBC3 Documentary looking into the hold that some of the main superbrands have on the world - focusing on marketing and advertising strategies, Alex Riley travels the world and discovers why the public are so enticed by these mega brands and what makes them so appealing. I enjoyed this programme as it really opened my eyes to the simplest of subliminal advertising these huge companies go to a lot of effort to create. In the case of Coca Cola - you're never that far away from an advertisment - all around the world. I'd never really looked at it this way and it was a real eye opener for me on how to almost force a product into top spot in the market.


An article looking in to the plans of the Ascent/Deluxe merger. This was helpful when it came to research for presentations. There are several more articles openly available on the 'BROADCAST NOW' website.

Overall i'm extremely pleased with the work that my group have put into this presentation and I'm hopefull of a good grade - It seemed as though Deluxe liked our idea.

Tuesday 7 June 2011

31st May 2011

Today we had the Formative presentation for E&E.
I personally feel as though this went very well - we received some positive feedback.
It was really good to know that we were heading in the right direction.
Some of the feedback from the panel was:

-"Brilliant presentation that was well though out"
-"Good idea and story well told"

A well rehearsed presentation although an improvement could be to remove some background information and concentrate on the idea.

We are going to meet as a group between now and the Summative to remove some of the background information and really concentrate on the idea.

Wednesday 25 May 2011

Submission for E&E formative

I will be talking about the 3D services that Deluxe currently offer, focusing on 3D post production.

These are my main points:


For a smooth 3D post production process, a lot of though needs to be given to the initial production process.

Choices of Cameras, rigs and the amount of data captured can be substantial.

In the post production process Deluxe will guide you through 3D convergence, whether you would like your film to have a positive or negative parallax, they will help to remove flares and blurs, commonly caused if you use mirrors on a 3D rig, basic grade to match the colour in both streams of video.

Deluxe deals with 3D dailies, digital intermediate finishing processes and 3D deliverables.  Deluxe Post Production in Toronto has been particularly immersed in 3D post pr
oduction working on Saw 7 and Resident Evil in 3D

Links and references: 

What Deluxe offer in 3D

3D Post Production Workflow Reference

3D convergence Reference

Monday 23rd May 2011

I could not make it to the E&E session for Monday 23rd May as I was in hospital having an operation.
I have reviewed the learning material on the moodle site, i have revised over the last couple of weeks of material...

- Media Planning
- 'Pushing' or 'Pulling' a product

I have been in contact with my group and we have created a strategy for our formative assessment and we all have clear ideas on what we are expected to research and the deadlines.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tuesday 10th May 2011

I've just finished the presentation for today. It went very well, but unfortunately, the whole day feels very rushed and we didn't get the opportunity to get any feedback from the people from Deluxe. This was a shame, as it would've been really useful to hear whether we are heading in the right direction with our research. 

My research information was found on this website:

I used this website to read up on the merge and find out what the CEO of Deluxe was planning for the future and how they are going to build on what already exists within the company. 

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Simplified presentation

After the Merge of the companies, Deluxe media will be looking at:

•Developing and upgrading their current equipment

•Looking forwards in predicting the movement of the industry and the future technologies that may be becoming available.

•Looking at transforming how customers create & distribute content for films and television broadcast

•Enhance it’s services for clients offering for example, life cycle library management along with digital asset management

•Working towards becoming an innovator in developing solutions to help customers manage & distribute content.