Wednesday 25 May 2011

Submission for E&E formative

I will be talking about the 3D services that Deluxe currently offer, focusing on 3D post production.

These are my main points:


For a smooth 3D post production process, a lot of though needs to be given to the initial production process.

Choices of Cameras, rigs and the amount of data captured can be substantial.

In the post production process Deluxe will guide you through 3D convergence, whether you would like your film to have a positive or negative parallax, they will help to remove flares and blurs, commonly caused if you use mirrors on a 3D rig, basic grade to match the colour in both streams of video.

Deluxe deals with 3D dailies, digital intermediate finishing processes and 3D deliverables.  Deluxe Post Production in Toronto has been particularly immersed in 3D post pr
oduction working on Saw 7 and Resident Evil in 3D

Links and references: 

What Deluxe offer in 3D

3D Post Production Workflow Reference

3D convergence Reference

Monday 23rd May 2011

I could not make it to the E&E session for Monday 23rd May as I was in hospital having an operation.
I have reviewed the learning material on the moodle site, i have revised over the last couple of weeks of material...

- Media Planning
- 'Pushing' or 'Pulling' a product

I have been in contact with my group and we have created a strategy for our formative assessment and we all have clear ideas on what we are expected to research and the deadlines.

Tuesday 10 May 2011

Tuesday 10th May 2011

I've just finished the presentation for today. It went very well, but unfortunately, the whole day feels very rushed and we didn't get the opportunity to get any feedback from the people from Deluxe. This was a shame, as it would've been really useful to hear whether we are heading in the right direction with our research. 

My research information was found on this website:

I used this website to read up on the merge and find out what the CEO of Deluxe was planning for the future and how they are going to build on what already exists within the company. 

Tuesday 10th May 2011

Simplified presentation

After the Merge of the companies, Deluxe media will be looking at:

•Developing and upgrading their current equipment

•Looking forwards in predicting the movement of the industry and the future technologies that may be becoming available.

•Looking at transforming how customers create & distribute content for films and television broadcast

•Enhance it’s services for clients offering for example, life cycle library management along with digital asset management

•Working towards becoming an innovator in developing solutions to help customers manage & distribute content.

Monday 9 May 2011

Monday 9th May 2011

This will be my presentation for tomorrow.

Hey guys, I’m going to be talking about:

‘How everything will change after the merge’.

After the Merge of the two companies, Deluxe media will be looking at developing and upgrading their current equipment and look forwards in predicting the movement of the industry and the future technologies that may becoming available. They will look to transform how customers create & distribute content for films and television broadcast and this will be aided by an influx of more talented people joining the team. Deluxe will enhance it’s services for clients offering for example, life cycle library management along with digital asset management and work towards becoming an innovator in developing solutions to help customers manage & distribute content.

I have been told to write a bit about the developing 3D technologies. I will write this in and re-post the final version later tonight. 

Sunday 8 May 2011

Sunday 8th May (2)

Email to Anna Patching reads as follows:

Hi Anna, 

 I hope my previous email helped. 
I noticed that Richard Shaw messaged the facebook group with his part of the presentation. As i missed the meeting, can you let me know what i'm required to talk about as i've been left a little in the dark on this one. 


Sunday 8th May

Today I received a notification of a post on out E&E Facebook group. It was from Richard Shaw apologising about not being able to make Tuesday, but submitting his research for another group member to present on Tuesday coming. I have not been notified of a role for the group, despite being added to the Facebook group and posting a message which reads:

'Hey Guys...i wasn't able to make the meeting on Friday as I knew nothing about it until the day before and have a Rave2011 meeting. What do I need to talk about?'

So far I have not had a reply, so in reaction to this situation, I will prepare an individual speech tomorrow evening. Until then i will keep monitoring the group to see if anyone would like to reply to me. Various messages have been sent between myself and Anna Patching. One email asked if I could shed a bit of light on the Ascent/Deluxe merge, to which I replied:

'Well Deluxe & Ascent are the same company, it was formerly known as Ascent 142, but after the re-brand they changed their name to Deluxe 142, so it's been the same company all along - there was no merge. They specialise in Drama and Feature films - the big ones like Scot Pilgrim and X-Men. Nothing is going to change really apart from the branding and marketing, they still do the same thing. Anything with ascent on it will have deluxe put on in instead. A new person has just taken over deluxe and that's why they re-branded is what i understand. They offer a huge variety of services (that are available to look at on their website) and this hasn't changed in any of the 3/4 times they've re-branded themselves. the 142 bit comes from the street number, 142 Wardour Street. That's about all i can say off the top of my head, hope this puts us back on track in the right direction?'

Saturday 7 May 2011

Friday 6th May 2011

I missed the meeting today at lunch time unfortunately due to the issues mentioned above. I've emailed certain members of my group to ask about what was discussed and what work i could do to contribute towards the group presentation...

Thursday 5 May 2011

Thursday 5th May 2011

I contacted my group today to discuss meeting to arrange our presentations for next week. A group has already been made on Facebook and a meeting arranged for tomorrow, which i had not been informed about. I'm now trying to re-arrange my Ravensbourne2011 meeting schedule for tomorrow to fit in with the meeting with my E&E group.