Sunday 8 May 2011

Sunday 8th May

Today I received a notification of a post on out E&E Facebook group. It was from Richard Shaw apologising about not being able to make Tuesday, but submitting his research for another group member to present on Tuesday coming. I have not been notified of a role for the group, despite being added to the Facebook group and posting a message which reads:

'Hey Guys...i wasn't able to make the meeting on Friday as I knew nothing about it until the day before and have a Rave2011 meeting. What do I need to talk about?'

So far I have not had a reply, so in reaction to this situation, I will prepare an individual speech tomorrow evening. Until then i will keep monitoring the group to see if anyone would like to reply to me. Various messages have been sent between myself and Anna Patching. One email asked if I could shed a bit of light on the Ascent/Deluxe merge, to which I replied:

'Well Deluxe & Ascent are the same company, it was formerly known as Ascent 142, but after the re-brand they changed their name to Deluxe 142, so it's been the same company all along - there was no merge. They specialise in Drama and Feature films - the big ones like Scot Pilgrim and X-Men. Nothing is going to change really apart from the branding and marketing, they still do the same thing. Anything with ascent on it will have deluxe put on in instead. A new person has just taken over deluxe and that's why they re-branded is what i understand. They offer a huge variety of services (that are available to look at on their website) and this hasn't changed in any of the 3/4 times they've re-branded themselves. the 142 bit comes from the street number, 142 Wardour Street. That's about all i can say off the top of my head, hope this puts us back on track in the right direction?'

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